Hotel & Restaurant - Eventcatering - Festsaal

Bus travel

Your stopover in the Lüneburg Heath

 - 130 seats

- Banquet Hall for 70 people

- Clubroom I for 10 people   

- Clubroom II for 14 people    

- Restaurant for 36 people

- Parking in front of the house for a bus

- Private parking for two buses

- 5 minutes from the A7 motorway  

Coming from the A7 motorway: - Exit Soltau-Ost (44)

- Direction Soltau on the main road 71 through the village Harber

- When you reach Soltau our hotel after about 300 meters on the right side We wish you a good trip. Overview map of Soltau Region Our service for you and your passengers:

- Here you can download lists that you can fill from your passengers please before arrival - Your guests fill in their name and request court - You give us as soon as possible by phone the chosen dishes and the corresponding number by

Phone 05191-3512 

Appointment requests should be directed to: - Corinna Neumann Fahje or Carsten Neumann Columns: 1 - Phone: 05191-3512 or fax. 05191-5012


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